Monday, August 8, 2011

Veil Painting Art Cards

Blue Pearl Arts has created some Inspirational Cards for purchase. They are blank inside with an inspirational quote for each card on the back. Size is 4.5 x 6 inch. You can purchase one for $3.00 or all 4 for $11.00 and includes shipping. Email me your request and then go to Pay Pal

ate" button at the Roscroix Maritime Abbey link to the right. Hope You Enjoy Your Purchase.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Consumer At the Crossroads of Change

There is great potential for change right now. As a consumer you have power to bring multi-national corporations down to a more humble level so that they remember their humanity and don't forget ours.

The current debate by those in US Congress who wish to dismantle social safety nets will never apply for social security. A congressman is paid by us and he or she gets the best care and will invest their paychecks for the future without concern. Yet for the populace the age of Serfdom is upon us yet again. We are carrying a great burden of loss right now and are being asked to do it while going hungry.

Consumers must think clearly and use their power. Here are some actions to take;

1. Shop brick and mortar stores which are smaller than the big guys. Inform yourself about the places you shop by understanding what is meant by large and small corporations. One way is to look at the companies listed under the Russell 2000 these are considered "small cap" or small capitilization companies. If you can get smaller than this for example the mom and pop stores then go for it. The internet has yet to be taxed and people have found it resourceful for saving money and making a living for themselves, we are in essence supporting our neighbors with their in-home businesses. Although be aware of who the powers are behind the internet.

Gloria Steinem pointed out in one of her books that who you pay, as written in your checkbook is a reflection of your politics. She is right and that brings us to

2.Use your checkbook or cash. Huge companies like Bank of America have been bailed out but you have not been bailed out. Well your checkbook can speak for you by NOT using debit or credit cards because using plastic is just more icing on the cake revenues for huge financial institutions. Do not invest in financial stocks and Join a Credit Union!

3. Consume less. The adage that "less is more" is absolutely priceless. Fill your recycle bin not your trash can. When we become poor we learn how to live. In fact what you give up in materialism you gain back as your soul. This is the Truth. If you wish to understand this Biblically, it is called tearing away the flesh which also implies that it will be painful but you get your freedom back and you begin to think clearly.

4. The big oil companies and General Electric are multi-national corporations who do not pay taxes. Find out who the companies are that get away with this and Boycott their products it is that simple. You will make an impact.

The goal is to Level the Playing Field by making all of us players. We are on the path of change and this is the Crossroads. We can either have a voice in the change or be dragged along by the Fates. It is your choice.

Those in positions of wealth may or may not be greedy, afterall we live in a time when we are fairly free enough to make the best of our own kernel of freedom. Sometimes people "get rich" without trying, they only set out to do what they love.

Money is meant to flow and move within a society. When it's flow is stopped and used for Power over others rather than Empowering others and enriching our earth then something is in error. Human error is destructive to humankind and the earth and these human errors accumulate within our living sphere. There is a reason for the environmental reaction from the living sphere and we must take responsibility for this through taking the higher road to sustainability, nurturing and reclaiming our wholeness.

We live in the time of the Sophia, Divine Wisdom, a time of Nurturance not domination of our world. Give Back, Restore and Enhance our humanity that is the hue and cry for the future.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spring & Summer Consciousness; the Outbreath

As the Summer Solstice begins the "Outbreath" of the earth is at its height. The outbreathing of the earth soul occurs between the Equinox of Spring until Autumn. In this time human consciousness soul feels itself carried out into the cosmos as it mingles with all Nature and Elemental Nature Spirits.

The budding Springtime has given way to full flowering as the elementals of fire, air and water are growing the plant kingdom of earth. Human observance and warming of the soul toward that which we observe are crucial to fostering evolution not only for ourselves but for the elemental kingdoms of the earth.

Try this to enhance closeness of the self to nature spirits. Walk the forest, along a stream, a starry night or leafy neighborhood and cease to "name" things. Let go of believing you know what things are and as you practice this type of consciousness meditation you will begin to feel the enlivened world around you.

When we label and name living things of the natural world we kill it and stop our involvement in its evolution, the great ongoing metamorphosis & evolution of all living things especially the earth herself. Human beings grow and evolve and so do all living things in seen and unseen worlds.

Be aware of the Outbreath of the earth in which her soul lives in the Cosmos where our consciousness has followed for we must be Conscious of this, we must remain awake to how we partake in the world's evolution.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Twelve Holy Nights

Between Christmas Eve and Epiphany, 24 December to 6 January, like a mighty cosmic ladder stretches the twelve Holy Nights as twelve ascending stages of World Consciousness uniting Humanity with the sphere of the most exalted cosmic Spirituality.

These twelve Holy Nights lead us through the regions of the Zodiac of which each symbol corresponds to the Spiritual Hierarchies. Beyond the region of the Zodiac the Christ Being descended to unite with the physical earth and humanity.

The Creation of the Human Being comes from the region of the Spiritual Hierarchies and what has come down from the ages as the twelve Zodiac signs.

In the darkest time of Winter when the Earth soul has removed itself from the Cosmos, where in spring and summer it is united with the cosmos, the Hierarchies come closest to mankind.

The twelve Holy Nights prepares the consciousness of the human soul to unite with the Holy Spirit of the Christ to become the impulses of Wisdom, Love and Selfless Will free of desire. We are invited to become conscious of these gifts to mankind by noting all that comes to us through our thinking, feeling and willing in imaginations, inspirations and intuitions during these Twelve nights.

Zodiac and Spiritual Hierarchies
We begin with the two Fishes which is solely symbolic of man's beginning and creation symbolized in his two feet. Upward in our lower legs we move to the region of the Waterbearer, Aquarius and the Hierarchy of the Angels. In the knees which points to where we direct ourselves toward our earthly destiny is the sign of Capricorn and the Hierarchy of the Archangels. In the thigh where the Ego evolves from animal to man nature is represented in how we stand in the world, is the Archer Sagittarius and the hierarchy of the Archai or Spirits of Personality.

In our lower pelvis the sign of the Scorpion and at the same time the Eagle where the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Exusiai or Spirits of Form are related. The lower forces of the scorpion must become enobled to the higher spirituality of the Eagle. In the hips is the zodiac sign of Libra or the Scales and the Dynamis or Spirits of Movement.

Upward at the waist is the region of the Virgin and the Kyriotetes or the Spirits of Wisdom. In this Age and at this stage the Christ has also arrived to meet with the Divine Sophia or Divine Wisdom. We now live in the time of the Divine Christ imbued Sophia and the Divine Feminine.

At the region of the sternum-chest is the sign of the Lion and the Thrones or Spirits of Will. In the ribs surrounding the heart represents the sign of Cancer or Vortexes which are also the Cherubim or Sons of Harmony. The Vortexes are two spirals which begin and end to begin again in ever evolving change. In the arms are the symbols of Gemini the Twins and the Seraphim or Spirits of Love. In the neck is the region of Taurus or Cosmic Universal Spirit of which the Bull symbolizes self-sacrifice and finally the forehead of the Ram that which is also the Christ or Lamb.

The human being, whether aware of it or not, takes part in this closeness of the Spirits of the Hierarchies who draw nearest to us at the Winter season. The more Conscious we are the more we can partake in what is given and the more we come to understand the Earthly Evolution of which we are all taking part.

Feel free to email me at for questions or comments.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Michaelmas 29 Septembre 2010

The Advent of Michaelmas is about the Spirit of the Age for mankind, the Archangel Micha-el. He asks us to develop Trust in the "ever present help of the Spiritual World."
The Festival of Michaelmas acknowledges the battle between this Archangel and the sulphuric Dragon which rises up from the surface of the Earth beginning at the time of Autumn. When leaves begin to wither the Dragon ensnares lower demonic beings which have been fed by the negative thoughts of Humankind itself.
These thoughts feed the Dragon in the form of Sulphur. The greater these thoughts are present as they lay upon the earth throughout the year the more powerful are the Ahrimanic forces which feed the Dragon.
Micha-el does not ever destroy the Dragon but only suppresses him because we at the same time need the forces of Ahriman for the strengthening of our individuality but not to the extent of Egotism. The story of St. George and the Dragon is a later version of the battle of the Archangel and Spirit of the Age, Micha-el and the Dragon.
Micha-el's Sword is made of Cosmic Iron which is gathered from the meteors which flash throughout the night sky in the Autumn onto Winter. This meteoric iron becomes his Sword of Courage. The Nettle plant absorbs these cosmic influences and is therefore a favorite and important tea to make during the Fall and Winter as it fortifies the Iron we need to do our part as Warriors and Knights of Micha-el so that " The sword I yield is Courage."
The age of Intellectualism has run its course. The age of Consciousness Soul or Spiritual Soul is upon us and with the gift of our Ego or Spirit we can come to higher states of conscious awareness. We need to understand and bring to higher awareness the challenge of the times and the Archangel Micha-el reminds us of our necessary evolution and task at Michaelmas.
In the Will we are closest and most free in our Spirit but least conscious. In our Thinking we are least free but most conscious. The effort to bring thinking into willing and willing into thinking takes dedication to develop. When we do begin to achieve this we will come to know Freedom and Love.
Preamble to the Michaelic Meditation
"We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes out of the future.
We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future
We must look forward with absolute equanimity to everything that may come and we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world direction full of wisdom.
It is part of what we must learn in this age. Namely to live out of pure Trust withouth any security in existence, trusting in the ever present help of the Spiritual World.
Truly nothing else will do
If our Courage is not to fail us.
Let us seek the awakening from within ourselves
Every morning and every evening...................Rudolf Steiner
The Festival of Micha-el is upon us. Let us do seek the awakening every morning and every evening now and throughout the year of our Courage and commitment to the Trust of the Spiritual World with Micha-el who is also the Representative Regent of the Christ Impulse.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

St. John's Tide...June 24th 2010

It is St. John's Tide, the festival of recognition of the one who proclaimed and received the Christos on earth, the Highest Being of the Elohim, the Sun Spirit from beyond the hierarchies. At this season we feast, gather with friends, and create a fire. Traditionally one jumps over the fire to proclaim that fire, the earthly equivalent to meeting and receiving of the Holy Spirit is achievable through purification or catharsis.

The cleansing of the etheric body of thoughts and memory is the process whereby purification is possible. It is the path of trials human beings experience in a lifetime through repeated earth lives. In the fire we ask either through silence or by writing on a papernote what it is we are trying to cleanse out of the self.

In the season of Summer the Archangel Uri-El holds sway. Uri-El entreats us to stay conscious and conscientious through his stern consternation. He wears blue-green and orange colors like that of the sea. Each day he anchors himself to the morning with a sword at the bottom of the sea. At sunset the "green flash" is scene when at day's end as the Archangel removes the sword his orange and blue robe with green lining opens for just a moment and that is the green flash of the mariner's lore.

In the remembrance of St. John and the presence of the Archangel Uri-El we as human beings are carried along with the spiritual evolution of earth and mankind.