Wednesday, June 23, 2010

St. John's Tide...June 24th 2010

It is St. John's Tide, the festival of recognition of the one who proclaimed and received the Christos on earth, the Highest Being of the Elohim, the Sun Spirit from beyond the hierarchies. At this season we feast, gather with friends, and create a fire. Traditionally one jumps over the fire to proclaim that fire, the earthly equivalent to meeting and receiving of the Holy Spirit is achievable through purification or catharsis.

The cleansing of the etheric body of thoughts and memory is the process whereby purification is possible. It is the path of trials human beings experience in a lifetime through repeated earth lives. In the fire we ask either through silence or by writing on a papernote what it is we are trying to cleanse out of the self.

In the season of Summer the Archangel Uri-El holds sway. Uri-El entreats us to stay conscious and conscientious through his stern consternation. He wears blue-green and orange colors like that of the sea. Each day he anchors himself to the morning with a sword at the bottom of the sea. At sunset the "green flash" is scene when at day's end as the Archangel removes the sword his orange and blue robe with green lining opens for just a moment and that is the green flash of the mariner's lore.

In the remembrance of St. John and the presence of the Archangel Uri-El we as human beings are carried along with the spiritual evolution of earth and mankind.