Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Twelve Holy Nights

Between Christmas Eve and Epiphany, 24 December to 6 January, like a mighty cosmic ladder stretches the twelve Holy Nights as twelve ascending stages of World Consciousness uniting Humanity with the sphere of the most exalted cosmic Spirituality.

These twelve Holy Nights lead us through the regions of the Zodiac of which each symbol corresponds to the Spiritual Hierarchies. Beyond the region of the Zodiac the Christ Being descended to unite with the physical earth and humanity.

The Creation of the Human Being comes from the region of the Spiritual Hierarchies and what has come down from the ages as the twelve Zodiac signs.

In the darkest time of Winter when the Earth soul has removed itself from the Cosmos, where in spring and summer it is united with the cosmos, the Hierarchies come closest to mankind.

The twelve Holy Nights prepares the consciousness of the human soul to unite with the Holy Spirit of the Christ to become the impulses of Wisdom, Love and Selfless Will free of desire. We are invited to become conscious of these gifts to mankind by noting all that comes to us through our thinking, feeling and willing in imaginations, inspirations and intuitions during these Twelve nights.

Zodiac and Spiritual Hierarchies
We begin with the two Fishes which is solely symbolic of man's beginning and creation symbolized in his two feet. Upward in our lower legs we move to the region of the Waterbearer, Aquarius and the Hierarchy of the Angels. In the knees which points to where we direct ourselves toward our earthly destiny is the sign of Capricorn and the Hierarchy of the Archangels. In the thigh where the Ego evolves from animal to man nature is represented in how we stand in the world, is the Archer Sagittarius and the hierarchy of the Archai or Spirits of Personality.

In our lower pelvis the sign of the Scorpion and at the same time the Eagle where the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Exusiai or Spirits of Form are related. The lower forces of the scorpion must become enobled to the higher spirituality of the Eagle. In the hips is the zodiac sign of Libra or the Scales and the Dynamis or Spirits of Movement.

Upward at the waist is the region of the Virgin and the Kyriotetes or the Spirits of Wisdom. In this Age and at this stage the Christ has also arrived to meet with the Divine Sophia or Divine Wisdom. We now live in the time of the Divine Christ imbued Sophia and the Divine Feminine.

At the region of the sternum-chest is the sign of the Lion and the Thrones or Spirits of Will. In the ribs surrounding the heart represents the sign of Cancer or Vortexes which are also the Cherubim or Sons of Harmony. The Vortexes are two spirals which begin and end to begin again in ever evolving change. In the arms are the symbols of Gemini the Twins and the Seraphim or Spirits of Love. In the neck is the region of Taurus or Cosmic Universal Spirit of which the Bull symbolizes self-sacrifice and finally the forehead of the Ram that which is also the Christ or Lamb.

The human being, whether aware of it or not, takes part in this closeness of the Spirits of the Hierarchies who draw nearest to us at the Winter season. The more Conscious we are the more we can partake in what is given and the more we come to understand the Earthly Evolution of which we are all taking part.

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