Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spring & Summer Consciousness; the Outbreath

As the Summer Solstice begins the "Outbreath" of the earth is at its height. The outbreathing of the earth soul occurs between the Equinox of Spring until Autumn. In this time human consciousness soul feels itself carried out into the cosmos as it mingles with all Nature and Elemental Nature Spirits.

The budding Springtime has given way to full flowering as the elementals of fire, air and water are growing the plant kingdom of earth. Human observance and warming of the soul toward that which we observe are crucial to fostering evolution not only for ourselves but for the elemental kingdoms of the earth.

Try this to enhance closeness of the self to nature spirits. Walk the forest, along a stream, a starry night or leafy neighborhood and cease to "name" things. Let go of believing you know what things are and as you practice this type of consciousness meditation you will begin to feel the enlivened world around you.

When we label and name living things of the natural world we kill it and stop our involvement in its evolution, the great ongoing metamorphosis & evolution of all living things especially the earth herself. Human beings grow and evolve and so do all living things in seen and unseen worlds.

Be aware of the Outbreath of the earth in which her soul lives in the Cosmos where our consciousness has followed for we must be Conscious of this, we must remain awake to how we partake in the world's evolution.

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